Find freedom. Live in peace.
Are you using porn and feeling powerless to stop?
If you’re caught up in the whirlwind of sexual behaviors, you’re not alone. Did you know that 2 out of 3 men use porn on a regular basis? Almost 67% of adult males use porn at least a couple of times a month. A majority are weekly and even daily.
Many are caught up in behaviors that they promised themselves they would stop doing. The guilt and shame overwhelm them and choke the joy out of their lives.
Lust is every man’s battle. We’ve struggled with it, too.
Deep inside ourselves, we know that using porn is wrong.
We know it objectifies women. We know that it cheapens God’s design for sex within marriage
So we hide it. From our wives. From our family. From our friends.
We sit where no one else can see our screen. (Just in case someone walks in.) We always have another browser tab open that we can jump to. We erase our internet history. We’re careful to cover our tracks.
I heard all of the right things and still battled it and still felt addicted. It’s so much more destructive than we think it is. The reason I reached out for help is my wife. I saw how much it hurt her.
D.H., firefighter
I don’t need help. I can handle this.
That’s what we tell ourselves, don’t we? I can quit on my own. But we’re fooling ourselves. Sure, we might be able to resist for a week, maybe even a month. But the urge comes right back. And we slip up.
Every single time the guilt would hit me, knowing that I was trapped in sin. I would promise myself time after time. I would mark the calendar. I would say, “This is the last time.” I was believing the lie that I could fix it.
G.R., police officer
What We Don’t Realize
Porn has a way of keeping us focused on our lust, how it can be a quick way to relieve stress. We don’t think about what else is going on. For instance:
Women are not always willing participants. Many are victims of sex trafficking. Most have been misled or outright lied to; they’re trapped.
Not By Choice
Porn can never satisfy us. The next experience must be better than the last. The fantasies only become more depraved.
Never Enough
Porn use leads to relationship problems. We have difficulty initiating and sustaining healthy relationships with the opposite sex.
Broken Relationships
Porn use leads to sexual dysfunction. Yes, you read that correctly. Porn eventually takes a toll on your ability to perform.
Can’t Perform
It's a slow fade. It's the depth to which you are seeking porn and the depth to which you are acting out. You convince yourself you’re not getting worse but you find yourself getting much deeper into it, deeper and deeper depravity.
A. S., construction worker
How Men Are Finding Freedom
Since 2012, men in our area have been finding hope through our ministry, Break The Link.
Once we understand the link between pornography and deeper problems both in our lives and in society, we can address root issues that lead to our destructive behaviors.
We teach that the Lord needs to take control.
The accountability and the education were essential. Not focusing on just a result, but on the cause. There is hope for overcoming it. I’ve been where you are and I have tasted what freedom from it is like, and it comes through Christ.
B. M., business owner
What If…
What if you could finally get past the shame?
What if you had someone with you, walking with you?
What if you could finally have victory over porn?
What if you could finally have peace?
You can.
The moment when I realized I could be free was when my wife took down her guard that was between us. I could see that her fear was diminished. I was filled with hope.
A. S., Construction Worker